Archive for April, 2016

Okadabooks Author page, Amazon No 1 genre listing and other fun facts

Broken Ties  - ENGLISH NEW

Broken Ties

Last week was meant to be pretty uneventful. Write a few  thousand words of Keepers (the last book in the Mentalist series), run a promo with ManyBooks to get some exposure for the recently updated cover of Broken Ties, help a friend beta-read her novel, do some real bill paying work (ah, the joys of being an architect), and find time to warm up my vocal chords to sing with my choir at the London Marathon. All in all, a busy week but nothing too spectacular. And then this happened.


I knew the promo ad would make a (little) difference to downloads but I was totally overwhelmed by the boost it actually gave. And it wasn’t just Amazon that yielded results – my Smashwords, iBooks and Barnes and Noble downloads had considerably  increased activity as well. I was still getting over the excitement of finally seeing Broken Ties at the top of an Amazon genre list when this happened too.




Yep, I’ve been given my very own Okadabooks Author page! I was so thrilled about the news, it took me a few hours to gather my spinning thoughts before I emailed/texted my family and close friends about it.  For those of you who are thinking “what the heck is that?”, Continue reading