Archive for May, 2012

Review of The Altercation of Vira on Our Reading World

Review of The Altercation of Vira by Natalie Morales of Our Reading World

See all my other book reviews and interviews at The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

This Is What A Drought Looks Like

This is what the effects of a drought looks like – at least in my mind.

There have been recent cries of distress by the Environment Agency because the UK has supposedly been in a state of drought due to shortage of rainfall over a stretch of many months. I don’t mean to ridicule the situation but it’s hard to picture “fish gasping for air” when we just had the wettest April on record (complete with flood alerts) and following that, a pretty washed out start to May (although the last week of glorious sunshine has been great). I was surprised to find the EA’s website reporting that fish have had to be relocated from rivers and other similar measures have been carried out to protect wildlife. Who knew, eh? Unfortunately when I think of drought, I can’t help picturing landscapes that are devoid of any vegetation or water bodies. Famine and mass starvation come to mind. I know life must go on but I don’t quite see a country in drought being one where flower shows are still allowed to carry on (even though they say they have used water friendly plants this year). Maybe my view-point is a little naive. Letting things get really bad before declaring a state of drought would be seen as irresponsible by the public but I think a lot of people were as confused as I was when told there was a hose pipe ban as the rain drenched everything outside. Continue reading

Author Interview by Annabelle Marie Veronica, with review of The Other Slipper

Double Whammy!

Interview by the lovely Annabelle Marie Veronica of Sparkles and Lightning with an earlier review of The Other Slipper. Enjoy!



Short Story 20: Flash Fiction

[This Flash Fiction piece was initiated by James of Fantasy in Motion. It’s called The 3 Minute Story and all we had to do was think up a theme for a story, make up some names for characters, find a timer/stopwatch and start writing! So basically write a story in 3 minutes. Here is the result…wasn’t easy!]

Theme: Fear

Day three. Or maybe it was day four now. Hannah had lost track of time after the last touch. She was sure she hadn’t intended to let them in but it had still happened. There was no way of knowing what had occurred in the time she had been unconscious but she could sense the residue of the fever it always brought with it. Continue reading

Happy 1st Blogoversary Caeblogs!

Caeblogs is One today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can’t believe it has been a whole year since I wrote my first post “Got Green Milk”. It was a really trivial rave inspired by my mild obsession with Ryan Reynold but, oh, how far I’ve come.  A lot has happened in the last twelve months – I turned the grand old milestone age of ehem, changed jobs and somehow found time to publish three e-books (ok, they weren’t all written within the year but it’s still a lot). 78 posts and over 8,000 hits later and I’m still sharing random rubbish with the world 🙂

Thanks to everyone who has supported this blog so far. There would be no point writing any of this if it wasn’t for my readers.

Let’s hope the coming year is even more fruitful than the last.

Cycling – As It Should Be

Anyone that has read my previous posts will know that I am not a big fan of cycling. Not in the slightest. In fact, I don’t really even know how to cycle (yeah, yeah, don’t laugh). Anyway, today I was pleased to discover the best form of cycling EVER – it’s such a brilliant idea that I might even try it. What is this brilliant discovery, I hear you say? I received an email from a colleague which I initially thought was a joke but as it turns out, comedy does exist in real life. Apparently the Pump House Gallery in London hosts a Monthly Do and this coming weekend, the event on the agenda is called Come and Play…  , a weekend of alternative sports for all.

What’s so special about this event? Amongst other ingeniously pointless activities like Reverse Chess and The Austerity Olympics, there will be a Slow Bike Race. Yes, you read right. According to their webpage “The winner of Slow Bike Race will be the cyclist who takes the longest time to complete the course. Slowly travelling forward without falling off, riders compete to finish last over a course that extends 100m through Battersea Park. The rules on slow bicycle racing will apply: no feet down, no going backwards, Continue reading

The Wonderful Month of May

Just because it’s May (my favourite month in the year – don’t all great things happen in May?), I’m taking 25% off my two YA fantasy novels, The Other Slipper (a fairytale retelling) and The Altercation of Vira at

To claim the discounts on Smashwords, use coupon code MY47Q for The Altercation of Vira and SD49T for The Other Slipper. Offer is valid till 31st of May.

Short Story 19: Remember Me

‘Attention all passengers, due to a person on the tracks there will be severe delays to this service.’

Great! All I needed was another delay in my already backlogged life. Did people not consider the rest of humanity before flinging themselves in the path of a speeding train? Not that it couldn’t have been an accident, it was just a bit odd that this was the second time this week the tracks had been closed for the same reason.

I sighed and slumped further into the dark dirty seat, trying hard not to dwell on what I might be sitting on. It was hard not to when you took a look around you and saw the people sitting there with you. There was a teenage girl beside me, who smelt like her shower was calling out to her, and a drooling old man who had been asleep since I got on the train. He had probably missed his stop and nobody cared. Then there was the creepy guy who had been staring at me for ages. I was trying not to notice him but it wasn’t easy. Look away, I willed him in my mind.

‘You don’t remember me do you?’

Now he was talking to me? I had been using the underground for eleven years and the only stranger that had spoken to me had been very, very drunk.  

‘Didn’t think so,’ he carried on, dismissing my rude silence. ‘Yesterday at Palmers, we talked for a while.’

No, I yelled in my head, not him again. I had an appointment with the director at Palmers and he had been sitting in the waiting room with me. He had talked non-stop to himself as I nodded out of pity after I realised he wasn’t going anywhere.

‘You remember.’ He read the recognition in my eyes. I could have kicked myself for not hiding my thoughts better. ‘So did you get it?’

‘Excuse me?’

‘Whatever it was you were there for? You looked pretty serious in your suit. You had to have been there for a big meeting.’

I decided to try ignoring him again but he wasn’t giving up easily. ‘So where are you off to now? Won’t it be funny if we’re headed for the same place again?’ he laughed at this and I wanted to scream. Okay, his laugh was kind of cute but I wanted him to shut up.

The smelly teen now had her attention totally focused on us. Not only was I trapped in a dingy carriage that was filled with stewing unwashed bodies, I also had to suffer being made a spectacle of by Mr Yakkity-Yak here.

‘Don’t you speak?’

‘Not to you,’ I finally retorted. Continue reading

Author Interview of Kenechi Udogu on JeanzBookReadNReview

I was interviewed on JeanzBookReadNReview and the feature is up at

Hope you guys enjoy it!

Going Potty 2

I’ve finally finished the seven Potter books! It took four months (shame on me) but as most of the books were over seven hundred pages long, I think I did alright in the end. I initially tried to stick to reading them only at bedtime but the last book was too good to confine to my bedside. It probably helped that I was on holiday so I could read it round the clock (much to the annoyance of my companions). But I’m not writing this post to analyse my reading speed. I am also not writing it to say which book I liked best of the lot (Deathly Hallows, if you were wondering) – you can find my individual ratings and reviews on my Goodreads page review. I am also not writing this to harp on about how Harry annoyed me all the way to the end of the series (I think I already mentioned this in my initial post). What I’d like to discuss is what bugged me after I had read the last book.

I had a conversation with my brother about how the theme of The Hunger Games was a disturbing one (kids set loose in an artificial environment to fight to the death) and my argument was that the Harry Potter series was equally disturbing. Although touted as a series for children, I felt that the books quickly went from Middle Grade focus to Young Adult focus as it seemed that Rowling sought to match the age of her initial audience and let the dark theme of the stories evolve with them. If you approach the later books as Middle Grade stories, I imagine you would be equally shocked by the amount of dark thoughts, bouts of depression, death and maiming that was introduced. There was always the idea of death from the first book – Harry’s parents dying, the notion that Harry or Voldermot had to die for the other to live Continue reading