Archive for November, 2012

Haunting The Subconscious

They claw their way into our subconscious, ever so slowly, then plant their seeds in the unknowing fertilizer of our brain cells, multiplying till we can’t stop thinking about them. Catchy tunes! Or more specifically, catchy tunes that don’t know when to stop haunting us! It’s almost the end of the year (gasp) and as I was listening to an online radio station yesterday, I realised that I have become mildly obsessed with a few tunes in the last few months which have refused to do the decent thing and go away after the prescribed amount of listens (okay I just made that last bit up). I like the fact that I light up whenever I hear said songs but sometimes I wish I could find the willpower to press “skip” when they come on. So how do I propose to expel these little demons? By sharing them here, of course. It’s not a long list but I can’t stop humming them to myself so I might as well burden you lot with them (sharing is caring). Some crept in from the end of last year, and most seem to be indie or folk songs but I (surprisingly) have a couple of pop country music tunes in there. What is happening to me? Is this what it feels like to be grown up? Have “mature” taste in music? If it is, I guess it’s not too bad. But someone has to stop me when I start listening to anti-folk music. I have to draw the line somewhere.

  1. Hey Ho – The Lumineers
  2. It’s Time – Imagine Dragons
  3. Home is Wherever I’m With You  – Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeroes
  4. Little Talks – Of Monsters and Men
  5. Tongue Tied – Grouplove
  6. Give Me Love – Ed Sheeran (so glad he finally released this as a single!)
  7. Lost in You – Three Days Grace
  8. Brighter Than The Sun – Colbie Caillat
  9. Wonderful – Angel
  10. Somebody That I Used To Know – Gotye
  11. Video Games – Lana Del Ray
  12. Just A Kiss – Lady Antebellum
  13. Don’t You Wanna Stay – Jason Aldean (feat Kelly Clarkson)

Now that I’ve reminded myself of all of them, it’s time to visit YouTube and listen to them again. Bliss! And yes, you guessed write. Writing them down did nothing to expunge them.

Guest Post on Known To Read – “When They Were Bad – Why Fairytale Villains Do What They Do”

To celebrate her Blogoversary, I wrote a guest post for the lovely Danielle Smiley of Known to Read and it’s gone up on her blog today! It’s called “When They Were Bad – Why Fairytale Villains Do What They Do” and there is also a giveaway of The Other Slipper for anyone who hasn’t read it yet to enter, so spread the word.

Writer vs Architect – The Perils of a Two Headed Monster

I attended a charity event last night and as always happens when a group of strangers are gathered in any space and forced to communicate, people began to ask each other what they do for a living. Pretty straightforward question, right? Yes, I am an architect by profession and should gladly saunter around rooms sharing this piece of information with anyone who has five seconds to spare (after eight years of studying to qualify as one, who wouldn’t?). But as you all know, I carry two heavy heads on my not so sturdy shoulders. I had been specially prepped by my companion for the night (a.k.a my sister/unofficial agent) to respond “writer” and not “architect”. Why? Because as a “writer” I need more exposure than I do as an “architect”. And partly because writer sure as hell sounds more interesting than architect – at least I think it does. I’m also, admittedly, more passionate about writing than I am about building design. Architecture has been a big part of my life for fifteen years, writing – over twenty years! I don’t go to bed thinking about what detail to add to the building project I’m working on but I stay up into the wee hours of the morning typing out ideas or staring up at the ceiling trying to piece a plot together for my novels. I don’t walk around London taking note of designs and sketching details but I write on the tube, on the bus, waiting for a friend to arrive at a venue…you get the picture. Writing is a part of who I am. Architecture is my job.

But last night, the first five or so people I spoke with received the slightly meek response of “architect” as I glanced around the room filled with high achievers, politicians and celebrities. My brain couldn’t quite bring itself to say the word – writer. I’m self-published and haven’t sold a million books (yet) so despite all I have achieved in my writing career (novels/novellas, dozens of short stories) I’m not used to introducing myself as a writer. These days the stigma of not being picked up by a publishing house is long gone (Fifty Shades of Grey and a multitude of other books have helped to dispel this) but a lot of people still ask who you’re with and I find it a bit tiring to explain my chosen route. Even worse, when I finally managed to squeak out the word “writer” to one girl, I got asked for my business card and I had to admit I had none. I think I hung my head in shame for a little while after that.

One of the girls I revealed my writing abilities suggested I call myself an “author” if I though that “writer” didn’t quite fit the bill. After all, a writer can be anyone who writes anything Continue reading

Cover Reveal: Aversion (Book One of The Mentalist Series)

So, this is it! The spanking new cover for Aversion is finally here, courtesy of the talents of (the fantastic) Abona Frost. I have to say I love, love, love it. It’s much better than what I produced (remember the blue eyes?) and captures some of the spirit of the story. It’s now less than three weeks to the book’s release date (3rd December) so things are winding down in the production house (phew!) but there is still a lot to do. I’d like to also say a big thank you to Fara of Tumbling in Books for helping organizing all of this, and much more. None of this would have been possible without your generous assistance.

Aversion (Book One of The Mentalist Series)
A YA paranormal romance novella by Kenechi Udogu
For Gemma Green’s first time, things should have been straightforward. Find your subject, hold their gaze and push a thought into their head to save them from future disaster – Aversion complete. A pretty simple process given that the subject was to have no recollection of the experience. But Russ Tanner doesn’t seem to want to forget. In fact the more she tries to avoid him, the more he pushes to get to know her. Gemma knows she has a problem but is she facing the side effects of a failed Aversion or has the school’s tennis champ really fallen for her?
Mini excerpt (opening paragraph):
My name is Gemma Green and I am an Averter. You’re probably wondering what that means and why it is important for me to state that I am one. On the surface there is not much difference between me and most other fifteen year old girls, except for the fact that I have the ability to alter people’s minds and stop them from carrying out actions that will unhinge their predestined life paths. I know it sounds impossible but trust me, it’s true. Only another Averter will be able to tell what I am from sight. Well, not really sight. We have the ability to sense things that others overlook. For example, I always know when Continue reading

This Week In Kenny’s World (5) – Aversion Cover Reveal Date and Christmas Anthology

My, my, my! We’ve been busy this past week in Kenechi land (but I’ll try and keep this short). I’m very pleased to announce that there will be a cover reveal for Aversion (Book One of The Mentalist Series) on Friday 16th November. This will feature on this blog and on some other bloggers’ pages so keep an eye out for it. Also, I’m doubly excited to share that my short story, The Clause, has been accepted as part of a Christmas anthology for a UK Charity. I know! Terribly exciting news. It is due out end of the month and I will post more details on here when things are all sorted out.

In other news, The Altercation of Vira was reviewed by Martha of BooksBooks&MoreBooks last Thursday and Annabelle of Sparkles and Lightning included The Other Slipper as a giveway book as part of her Blogoversary Celebrations. There are also still a couple of tour slots available for Aversion’s three weeks book blog tour in January (only 3 spaces left I think) so if you want to sign up, now is the time to do so (courtesy of Tumbling in Books).

That’s it for now but watch this space.

Potter Marathon

It is hard to believe that it’s been nearly a year since I first set my Sky+ box to start recording the Harry Potter series. After reading the first few books in January, I decided I actually needed to watch the whole series (including re-watching the first five I’d seen already but completely blanked out of my memory). The process has been a very, very drawn out one because Sky Movies decided they would only show four of the eight movies in the last ten months! Yes, I know I could have bought the lot for under thirty quid off Amazon but I can think of better uses for my money (what’s the point of paying all that subscription fee for movies if I can’t watch what I want?). Anyway, last week I was excited to find that Sky’s 007 channel (don’t ask why they chose this) is running the whole series this month. Finally, I yelled as I read the email they’d sent me (again, yes, I’m that sad)! So I quickly deleted the two I’d recorded on ITV (who wants to fast-forward through ads?) and set the recorder to record the rest of the series this week. Now all I have to do is find a stretch of 24 hours to ogle Alan Rickman and roll my eyes in frustration at Daniel Radcliffe. Where’s my diary…