Archive for December, 2013

A bit early but…Goodbye 2013!

This is my last post for the year. It’s been a busy, busy one and I’m grateful to everyone who has stuck with me through it all. Two books released this year, a blog tour, cover reveal, lots of giveaways, a couple of book cover revamps. And let’s not forget, lots of random posts about the craziness in my head. I hope I’ve succeeded in keeping you all marginally entertained. I thought I should end the year on a high, so here’s the revamped cover for The Other Slipper, which I put out last week. Hope you like it. Merry Christmas everyone and have a fabulous New Year!

The Other Slipper cover

I’ve been exposed by YA Promo Central!


Yes, I’ve been exposed by YA Promo Central. Don’t worry, it’s nothing sordid or scandalous, just a chance for readers to read an excerpt from Aversion on their website. Please share the link with others on Facebook and Twitter if you can. Thank you!

Introducing – Aiirkey “Happy” Bags

Aiireky bags

For a change, you’ll be pleased to hear that I am not plugging one of my books today (gasp) or moaning about one of the many things that bug me (don’t get me started on the thick fog in London today). This post is to introduce my lovely readers to a fabulous new website. A friend of my recently launched her handbag brand – Aiirkey, an exquisite leather range which I think you should all check out. There’s a lovely brand story on the website which explains what the brand is all about. Even if you’re not a handbag person, feel free to pass on the link to others who might like them (you never know who’s still looking for the perfect Christmas present). You also get 10% off your first order (internationally), plus free delivery off all UK orders. One day, when the brand’s up on that huge billboard in Piccadilly Circus, you could look back and say you bought one of the first ever Aiirkey “Happy” bags. You so know it could happen. Go on, you know you want to give it a look…

Aiireky bags 2Aiireky bags 1

12 Days of Christmas Giveaway on Book Bird Fiction – Aversion feature

Thanks to Millie of Book Bird Fiction for featuring Aversion as one of her 12 Days of Christmas giveaways. Enter here for a chance to win one of 3 e-copies. Please spread the word and, good luck!

Aversion - Cover reveal