Archive for May, 2021

The Third Good Thing – The Other Slipper in French

A month ago (gosh, it feels like even longer), when I posted about good things coming in threes, I mentioned that the exciting third thing I wanted to share with you guys was to do with another translation of one of my books. Well, I can now reveal what it is! Okay, I already gave it away in the header to this post, but I still wanted a drum roll moment. It is, of course, the third foreign language translation of The Other Slipper! And my first work translated into French. Long overdue, but better late than never.

This project has been in the works behind the scenes for many months and I am extremely thankful to the very able Monique Baron who did a great job translating the book and bringing Jo’s story to life in a new way. I also have to thank my wonderful readers, Kat Che Nin and Anne-Lorraine Imbert who were very patient with me and took out time from their very busy schedules to help with this. You guys are amazing!

So, if you’ve put off reading the book because you only ever wanted to read it in French, or if you’ve read it before and fancy giving it another go in French, or you’re just happy to help spread the word, links to the different online retailers are below for a browse or purchase.

I’m really pleased with the steady progression of translations into European languages, but maybe my next stop will be a language from another continent…watch this space. Anyway, hope you enjoy the story! Until next time…

Amazon AppleBooks Kobo Barnes&Noble Scribd Tolino


Et si Cendrillon n’était pas la seule à se retrouver avec une pantoufle de verre le soir du bal ?

Lorsque Jo trouve une pantoufle de verre solitaire le soir du bal royal, elle se rend compte que cet objet en apparence ordinaire a plus à offrir qu’il n’y paraît. La recherche de sa propriétaire la conduit au palais où la princesse l’entraîne dans un voyage qui la propulse dans un monde inattendu de magie et d’illusions. Il devient vite évident que sa mission ne s’arrête pas là, tandis qu’elle découvre des secrets surprenants sur son passé et se bat pour rencontrer son destin.